Jun 23, 2013

A baby girl is here!

Sage. 8 lbs 8oz, 21 in, 8:17 pm June 12th.
I'll do a run down of the labor. The midwife stripped my membranes the afternoon before and 12 hours later I started to feel contractions. I went into the birth center 5 hours later and they told me I was 2 centimeters dilated. I couldn't believe it, these contractions were painful and I was so far from 10! They felt for her position and said she was face up so her head wasn't putting the right pressure on my cervix to dilate well. They sent me home with 2 magnesium and 2 Tylenol PM and told me to sleep. The magnesium helps relax the uterus and i was able to sleep a few hours. I wasn't feeling any contractions for 3 hours and was really disappointed that I probably wasn't going to have my baby that day. Later that afternoon, I took another nap and the contractions started coming on strong. Luckily my parents were at Costco right by us and could come watch the kids while we headed over to the birth center. When we got there I was at a 6! I still did lots of positions to help the baby turn face down, and finally she did. Then I got into the tub for the last hour of labor. If they would have had drugs, I would have requested them at that point. I wasn't ready for the pain. She came anyway, but her shoulders were stuck. Finally, after 2 min, the midwife had to reach up and pop the shoulders out. Wow. The amazement doesn't end even after more children. I was worried that the responsibility of now having four kids would overshadow the joy and love I would feel for the baby. This pregnancy has by far been the hardest. I did a lot of searching and praying to help the darkness subside. It sounds a little dramatic, but holy moly, it was bad. Once I looked into her face, the love was overwhelming and reminds me of heaven and how we must have felt before we came here. It's like my soul recognizes this other soul and remembers what it's like to love so purely. It's really heaven. I think that's why becoming a parent is so profound. We get to experience a taste of our pre existence for awhile, I know it's essential we have forgotten, but it makes me wonder how could I bear to have left our Heavenly Fathers presence to come here. But, that desire to return to Him is impossibly strong when I have these moments.
Our Sage is here, safe and sound. It's a miracle every time.


Suzanne said...

Megan amazing I love and respect you so much. abby and I want to bring dinner and see Sage. what does next week look like for you? love you Suzanne

Eryn said...

your babies are so beautiful. babies are unconditional love, that's what we all are looking for. so glad you get to feel that.

Betsy said...

Oh how I have missed you, Meg! Sage is beautiful and I hope you are enjoying her. I loved your birth story too - I am a sucker for them. I will try and call you soon. Life never seems to stop in the summer with all the kiddos home, right? Love you and miss you!