Jul 6, 2010

The third of July was lots of fun. Tony ran a 5k and Hadley had a race too.
The race was a 1k (1/2 mile) with 4-9 year old kids. I thought that was pretty far for my four year old to go so it made me a little nervous. Thankfully, Tony was able to run with her.

This is her two years ago, so cute!

We watched the parade afterwards

This was crazy because they did this trick so close to us that it looked like the black car was going to tip over onto us!


Adrian said...

So cute. I love that she is running just like you guys. Such a great thing to teach your kids.

shauna/doug said...

Yea for Hadley! Looks like it is spreading through the family. The family that runs together.......
When is the next race?

April and Rick said...

I love you Meg! I miss you a lot. I need to call you so we can get together soon or I can come visit or something.
Looks like you had a fun holiday!

shauna/doug said...

Love the pictures of the kids and family. Sure do miss you guys. I have to be careful not to watch and listen to long or I get home-sick. Love and kisses Dad