I was spinning the girls in the chair this morning, one of there favorite things to do, I had to stop and take a picture because of their eyes and the different colors of them still shocks me.
Also, for a large part of the day they are so sweet to each other, and I had to document that because I want that part to last forever. I am so glad they have each other. Oh how I love them
We found a baby bird. Now every bird they see, they slowly approach and think they can catch it and hold it. Poor bird. I'm sure it has been eaten by a cat by now.
They look so big. And yes, their eyes are amazing...esp. how different they look. It's so foreign to me cuz mine all look so much alike. They are beauties though, you guys will have your hands full when they are teens.
Hads looks so much older in those first pics with her hair down, she really looks like you.
Such gorgeous grandchcildren. Must be in the genes. Careful I'm not suggesting their only on the Linde side after all Tony side is not just some--- mash potatoes. sure do miss them and everytime I hear Hadley tell us she misses us and loves us, -- me olde heart strings go pluck. Love & kisses to all Dad
Wow, I can't believe how long their hair is getting!! Lainey looks so grown up with all those teeth. They are so cute I was missing you and them the other day... I need to come visit.
The eyes are amazing. And how fortunate they have one another. That is what siblings are about. They can lean, help, love, play, all their lives. So glad they have each other and also the Mom and Dad they have.
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