I haven't said much about life with three kids, probably because the Linkerman spoiled us for a good six months! Not anymore! He has unleashed his fury, waking up all hours of the night, getting snotty noses, which make it impossible to breathe for this binky sucker, and getting upset if anyone but mom is holding him. You really do forget how hard babies can be! Why do we forget these things? Childbirth, babies, because then we would never have children! Winter time is tough. I battle with seasonal depression and then add a dose of postpartum makes for some very dark days. I'm not the mother I like to be during these times. I don't enjoy doing crafts with my kids or hunkering down inside the house. The only thought that keeps me going is that this winter does end. The sun comes out and that person I don't like to be disappears. I enjoy my life again. During the winter I just endure my life and I know eventually I can breathe again. So, life with three, at this point is difficult. Although, right now, my girls are playing in the snow while me and Link are watching, feeling pretty happy.

1 comment:
Winter is hard Meg!! I hope you're doing alright :). Sorry I haven't had a chance to come visit much. Spring is right aroung the corner. I love you!
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