Now that the due date is just around the corner, I can really let myself whine about wanting the baby out of me! Dear sweet child in my womb, I'm so glad you have grown and my body has nourished you into a full human being. You can't imagine how grateful I am, but now your time is up and please, oh please, don't come out 10 lbs like I was for my mom. I'll take 9 or my usual 8 just don't go for 10! O.k. just come out nice and healthy and even if you're not, that's o.k., we'll figure it out. The other night I was running and it felt sooo good. As I woke up and tried to turn my girth over into another position, I realized it was a dream. The hardest part is not being able to do physically what I want to do. Going up one flight of stairs and having to stop and try to breathe is frustrating, especially because to get anywhere in our house you have to take stairs. I'm really excited for labor, that means I'm at the finish line. I know it will be painful, but that is the point. Your body's natural reaction to the pain and then the endorphins when you have the baby in your arms is indescribable.
I had to post some of these pics off of my camera phone. I finally transferred them onto my computer.
This one is hilarious. Hadley, last year, after she was numbed and gassed for her cavities at the dentist.

This is how long these pics have been in my phone!

Walking on the parkway.

Look at those sweet faces.

Most recent on my new phone, you can use sepia. I love pics in sepia.
Love Had's drunk look. Awesome. Also loved what you wrote in the beginning about being pregnant. Made me get a little tear in my eye. Love ya.
can't wait to love on the little him or her!! you make beautiful babies!! so now if it will just quietly exit the womb all will be good !!
whoopps robert is me, Janae!!
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