I am amazed, flabbergasted, simply astonished. This is my third child to grow in my womb and it still is a miracle to me to have a perfectly formed human as the end result of a pregnancy. Sure, I know I have a baby growing inside of me, but when that baby is out, and you see what you have done, and why it really is so hard to be pregnant is because your body had to grow a whole human! I'll never get over it. Having children is incredible. I remember having my first and thinking how having my religion made so much more sense. The gospel was so much more real to me and the importance of who I really am and what I'm made of came right into focus.
Every time we have a baby we have a song to remind us of that time. The day before I went into labor we were deciding on this song that's playing by The Script and a Coldplay song. While driving to the midwife clinic to have our baby at 4:30 in the morning the song by The Script came on. We took is as a sign. It's officially
Lincoln's song to remind us of this time.
Little guys photo session done by Grandpa John.
He is 2 weeks old and is already up to 8 lbs

He is so cute!!!!! I can't wait to talk to you and hear all the details. I love you and hope you are doing great.
Love the pictures!! All of your kids are perfect miracles...I love them!
Megan, I've been enjoying your posts! We are over the flu now and Ruby's runny nose is almost gone, so hopefully I can have your girls over soon? I am excited to see Lincoln again, too. :) I hope everything is going well.
Beautifully said! He is a wonderful miracle! Congrats Megan and Tony!
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