We are in the throws of winter, freezing temperatures, dirty air, and no sun. I really don't understand why humans are meant to live this way, or why I must live this way. At least my girls seem to not feel it as much. They've been playing together so well. Laines has really become good at pretending with Hads.
This baby is really starting to move and grow. Some days I feel great and have energy to exercise, others I'm completely exhausted and honestly can hardly get off the couch. With this pregnancy, I feel the most scared. Like something has to go wrong, I've had two healthy pregnancies and babies, it can't go so well with the third. It's not that bad, I'm just more anxious.
So many people can't understand why we don't find out the sex of our babies, here is my best way of summing that reasoning up. While that baby is in your womb you think you know what you want it to be. But as soon as that baby comes out, boy or girl, it is exactly what you wanted. When I was pregnant with my first, I didn't picture myself having girls, I always thought I wanted boys. So when I found out I was having a girl, I was honestly more scared. Once I had that baby I could care less what she was, looked like, all my worries of having girls went out the window. She was an amazing soul we were going to raise. I don't want to put any of my preferences on something that already is.

Well I am a little behind in the blogging world and I was stalking the blogs tonight getting caught up in everyone elses world, I got to yours and was thinking... I bet they will be pregnant soon, it seems like time for them lol sure enough I see the baby ticker! Congrats!
I laughed when I read your post because I feel the exact same way as you do. I want to grow attached to the baby but am having a hard time because I keep thinking about the what if's.... I love being pregnant but I hate all the worry that comes with it. Your girls are darling. I can't wait to see what your third is!!
cute little girls!!
You are suffering from SADS. I think that is what it is called. Get a light or something to get some light in your life. Those beautiful girls of yours should brighten your day. And WORRY--IT WORKS! All of the things you worry about never happen. Find a good book to read, serve someone, count your blessings, read the Book of Mormon in 57 days before I get home! Your are a beautiful daughter and are blessed. your Mom
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