Sep 21, 2010

I'm stuck, in a rut and I don't know why?
That is the thing about staying home, you don't have to be productive. You don't have to do dishes or laundry or clean anything if you really don't want to. Just feed the kids, change a diaper or two.
For the past few days I can't get out of my shlump (is that word right?, it sounds like what I feel right now a shlump). Usually I have a day where I'm not so good then the next day I'm productive. No such thing lately. I really didn't want to write about my lack of activity, but I have to post about how boring my life can be sometimes, because that is real.
Ahh.. but do not fear, I am saved, we have some rolos. Sugar makes everything more exciting for a minute or two. I just hope I don't polish off the whole bag!


April and Rick said...

I hope the sugar I brought you the other day helped your shlump :). I TOTALLY know how that feels. Even working life can feel very monotonous at times! You guys should plan something to look forward to. Like a little trip up to Logan for a day or you could try a new recipe or make a craft. I know I am a nerd but that kind of stuff gets me out of my shlumps! Love you guys!

Adrian said...

Wanna come help me can? GOOD TIMES. I am in a canning shlump. If I can one more veggie or fruit I will fall on the floor in a big shlump.

Laurie said...

That's so funny- Dave and I have been the same way this week! We were comparing notes yesterday on how bummed we were feeling. Hard to do anything.

shauna/doug said...

Sounds pretty normal. I think it is just the routine every day. But April is right. If you have that much time on your hands, you need to find a project. Learn a language, learn to knit, make a quilt, refinish a piece of furniture that you buy at DI, do some scrapbooking, sew some pajama pants, do some service, go visit Grandma & Grandpa Garrett, oh, my, the list could go on forever. Vona Dee would tell us to get off our 'pity pot'. LIFE IS GOOD! Make your own happiness.