Jul 26, 2010

With a husband like mine, July is full of fireworks!

Little angel Lainey

Hadley really got into the fireworks this year

I'm so glad somebody has a camera around when we do fun stuff. Tony's dad John, took all of these pictures.

Ice blocking - Tony knows how to have fun

Having fun with cousin Lauren


Adrian said...

Thats just awesome.

it's me, andrea. said...

Those ice blocking pictures are priceless!

shauna/doug said...

How fun that looks. Good for you Tony. And Lainey looks electrified with the sun behind her head. Interesting picture.

April and Rick said...

Hey Meg,
I know you aren't planning on going to the reunion but I was just going to tell you that Bekah Dudley let me know she was coming in town for it and wanted me to beg you to come ;)

I figured you would want to know how much she loves ya! Hope you're doing well!!